Universität Bonn

Universitäten Köln und Bonn

Bonn-Cologne Graduate School
of Physics and Astronomy
Our MSc programs
Bonn-Cologne Graduate School
Our MSc programs


The Bonn-Cologne Graduate School for Physics and Astronomy BCGS is a joint program of graduate studies between the universities of Bonn and Cologne. The program leads students with a bachelor's degree in physics (or related subject) through an MSc phase to doctoral studies.

The BCGS provides mentoring and research internships, scholarships, travel funds and a vibrant research environment at the forefront of modern physics. Research areas at the two departments of Bonn and Cologne span almost the entire range of current physics: from astrophysics, biophysics and condensed matter research to particle physics, quantum optics and string theory.

News and events
Intensive Week - Measurements with a pixel telescope
Whole Day
This course will be of interest for physics students beyond their bachelor, students who start their master project soon, and Ph.D. students from other fields ...
Workshop on Scientific Integrity
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
This course is part of the BCGS/ML4Q curriculum and qualifies as course on good scientific practice according to the PhD regulations of the Faculty of ...
Intensive Week - Experiment and Simulation on Biological Systems
Whole Day
In this advanced course detailed experiments in evolution, genetics, cellular decision making, and gene expression will be conducted. The course consists of ...


Bonn Office: Isabela Fox

2.011 & 2.012, HISKP

Nussallee 14-16

53115 Bonn

Opening hours Bonn

  • Tuesday - Wednesday
    09:30 - 14:00

  • Thursday
    10:00 - 14:00

  • Closed on Monday and Friday. Please contact us via email.

Cologne Office: Dr. Petra Neubauer-Guenther

203, I Physics Institute

Zülpicher Str. 77

50937 Köln

Opening hours Cologne

  • Tuesday & Thursday
    10.00 - 12.00,
    13.00 - 16.00

  • Monday, Wednesday & Friday
    By appointment via zoom.
    Contact us via email.
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